FAQ: Saucemoto: An in-car Dip Clip for ketchup & dipping sauces
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

How do I get free shipping?

US backers get free shipping at any reward level excluding the limited single DipClip offer.

Due to the expense of international shipping we were not able to offer free shipping at all reward levels. Free shipping is offered only on rewards levels of 20 DipClips or more.

Last updated: January 05, 2018 07:13

When will I be charged for my pledge?

Kickstarter will not charge your card until our campaign concludes on Jan. 4, 2018. You will only be charged if the campaign meets its minimum funding goal.

Last updated: January 05, 2018 07:13

Am I guaranteed delivery by the date you quoted?

Our target and goal is to start sending out DipClips in late February/early March. We are confident in this timeline, but the process of bringing a product to market can sometimes be out of our control. We’re going to work our hardest to get every last backers’ order filled as quickly as possible.

Last updated: January 05, 2018 07:13

What is your refund/return policy?

Pledging on kickstarter is different than making a purchase on other sites. What makes it great is that you’re helping a young company develop and bring a new product to market — in return you’re rewarded by being among the first to get one. Because the funds you contribute immediately go towards the development and manufacture of DipClip once the campaign ends, we cannot offer refunds or returns.

Last updated: November 20, 2017 11:27

Will I have to pay VAT or duties if I am purchasing outside the US?

The good news is we’ve made DipClip available to anyone from anywhere around the world. The bad news is we don’t have any control over additional duties or VAT fees that may apply to backers outside of the United States. If these fees are applicable to you, they will be imposed when you receive your package. If you live outside the US and are unsure about the fees that may be associated, please contact your local post office.

Last updated: January 05, 2018 07:13

What shipping method will be used to ship my dip clip?

US Backers: USPS first class mail.

International Backers: We have not yet decided on what the best method of shipping would be for you guys. We are currently considering USPS, FedEx, and UPS.

Last updated: November 20, 2017 11:27

Do your photos represent the final version of the Dip Clip?

The DipClip you see in the photos and videos is a 3D printed prototype. The Actual DipClip will be made of injection molded plastic and will be far more durable. As far as aesthetics go, the look and feel will be nearly identical to the one featured here and the measurements and dimensions will be exactly the same.

Last updated: November 20, 2017 11:27

When do I provide my shipping details?

If you’re not familiar with kickstarter you may find it a little odd that you weren’t asked for shipping details when backing this project. Have no fear, this is perfectly normal. Once the project is funded we will send out a backer survey that you will need to fill out with all that information. You can go back anytime to edit your address or even add more to your reward!

Last updated: January 05, 2018 07:13

This is the first kickstarter i am pledging towards, how does it work?

We could go on and on here but it’s probably best you visit Kickstarter’s FAQ section.


Last updated: November 20, 2017 11:27

Is the ramekin included?

OF COURSE!!! You think we would just leave all you ketchup/mustard lovers hanging. The ramekin comes with every DipClip.

Last updated: November 20, 2017 11:27

How do I order a dip clip?

All you have to do is send us a pledge, pick your reward, and you’ll be one the first to get yours. If you’re not familiar with kickstarter or crowdfunding in general, we suggest you take a little time and learn what’s what before pledging to our campaign. Kickstarter is unlike online e-commerce sites.

Last updated: January 05, 2018 07:13

Can i get a dip Clip now?

We know, we know…you’ve spent your whole life without the DipClip but now that you realize it’s out there how could you live without one. We still need to manufacture them so it’s going to take just a little bit of time. On the bright side, if you support our campaign and pledge you’ll be one of the first to get yours.

Last updated: November 20, 2017 11:27

How do i choose the color i want?

Just like the shipping details, we will be asking for this information when we send out are backer survey.

Last updated: November 20, 2017 11:27

Are there sauces that don’t fit?

Almost all sauce packets from most fast food chains will fit without any issue. Are goal was to make DipClip as universal as possible. unfortunately there are a couple fast food chains whose sauce containers were unreasonably sized. You can find a handy chart of all the chains that work in the campaign.

Last updated: November 20, 2017 11:27

Shipping Updates
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Current Estimated Shipping Date: March 2018

Last Updated At: 01/29/18
BackerKit FAQ

What is BackerKit?

BackerKit is a service that crowdfunded project creators use to keep track of hundreds to tens of thousands of backers—from shipping details, pledge levels, preferences and quantities, whether they have paid or had their card declined, special notes, and everything in between!

The BackerKit software and support team is independent from the campaign’s project team—BackerKit does not handle the actual reward shipping. For more information about the preparation or delivery status of your rewards, please check the project's updates page.

How does BackerKit work?

After the campaign ends, the project creator will send you an email with a unique link to your survey. You can check out a walkthrough of the process here.

I never received my invitation. How do I complete the survey?

The most common reasons for not receiving a survey email is that you may be checking an email inbox different from the email address you used to sign up with Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Tilt Pro account, or it may be caught in your spam filter.

Confirm that the email address you are searching matches the email address tied to your Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or Tilt Pro account. If that doesn’t work, then try checking your spam, junk or promotions folders. You can also search for "backerkit” in your inbox.

To resend the survey to yourself, visit the project page and input the email address associated with your Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Tilt Pro account.

How do I update my shipping address?

BackerKit allows you to update your shipping address until the shipping addresses are locked by the project creator. To update your address, go back to your BackerKit survey by inputting your email here.

When will my order be shipped, charged or locked?

That is handled directly by the project creator. BackerKit functions independently of the project itself, so we do not have control of their physical shipping timeline. If you want to check on the project’s status, we recommend reading over the project's updates page.

I completed the survey, but haven't received my rewards yet. When will they arrive?

As BackerKit does not actually handle any rewards or shipping, the best way to stay updated on the shipping timeline would be to check out the project's updates page.

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